Frequently Asked Questions

How does the Rebase function?

The Rebase activity permits tokens to work such that the circling supply extends or contracts because of changes in symbolic cost. This increment or abatement in supply works with a component called rebasing. WHALEHODL utilizes a Positive Rebase equation, which expands the $WHALEHODL supply of every holder.

How to Stake

WHALEHODL has made an inventive Auto-Staking token which gives clients a less complex method for getting Staking rewards. Basically, hold $WHALEHODL in your wallet, and you will naturally get Staking rewards.

How would I get my Rebase rewards?

The Rebase rewards, in straightforward terms, are the Staking rewards. You are qualified for get Rebase Rewards just by holding $WHALEHODL in your wallet.

Where could I at any point purchase $WHALEHODL tokens?


What is the slippage for the exchange?

There are two unique Slippages which can be utilized for exchanging $WHALEHODL:

1 | When you wish to get, you should put the slippage essentially at 13%.

2 | When you wish to sell, you should put the slippage essentially at 18%.

You could have to add higher slippage during times when there are heaps of trades of WHALEHODL, yet you ought to just at any point bring about a similar trade expenses

Slippage vs Tax?

As you know already, WHALEHODL has a 13% and 18% fee for buying and selling. However, when attempting to buy or sell through an exchange, the fees, or slippage, may be higher. This is because that although WHALEHODL only charges a flat fixed fee, the exchange also requires a fee. The slippage accommodates the price movement due to the level of liquidity in the pool. The exchange will always get a fixed percentage of the price paid. When the price movement is higher, the amount paid to the exchange may increase.

How is the APY Sustained?

WHALEHODL utilizes trade charges to support its fixed (static) APY. This implies we won't ever lower or raise the APY of the venture. At the point when clients purchase WHALEHODL, 13% of their buy goes towards the convention, when they sell, 18% goes to the convention also. This is one of the principal ways we accomplish and support the APY, along these lines the motivation behind why you want to settle this duty.

What will we do with the Treasury?

The depository capacities as an extra monetary help for the IFV. This extra help can become significant in case of an outrageous cost drop off of the $WHALEHODL token. The depository is additionally used to finance new WHALEHODL items, administrations, and ventures that will grow and develop the WAP use cases and the WHALEHODL economy.


WHALEHODL isn't a DAO, we are rather an altogether new sort of Protocol. Instead of holding, WHALEHODL utilizes trade charges of 13 and 18 percent individually, to support its APY. We likewise won't ever bring down the APY of the venture. One more large advantage of WHALEHODL is its auto-marking capacity, where you don't have to customarily stake your coins anyplace. All things considered, the subsequent you purchase WHALEHODL, you should simply relax and take it all in your wallet aggregate more at regular intervals.

Last updated